Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Northland Visit

Even though our time was limited we got to do some visiting over the weekend and managed to hit a potluck Sunday so we got to share lunch with our church family and get in a little more visiting.  It was a blessed time!  We already miss our Northern family incredibly and are forever grateful for their love and friendship!Here are Katie and Micah in their truest forms in Jay Cooke--Micah is a little ham and Katie a little sweeetheart.  While Eileen and I were busy snapping shots right and left the kiddos were busy playing and running up and down the trails!
An attempt at sibling sweetness!
Enjoying a laugh on Rocky Mountain!
Aw--now there's my babies!
Katie Grace on the trail--I am still kicking myself for packing away the Minnesota mud boots--this is definitely not the place for white tennis shoes!!
On the bike bridge--Micah is about tuckered out!
My friend Eileen!  We were having a ball attempting to capture the beauty all around us with our cameras!  
Shutterbug Eileen!
We picked up Katie's friend Tyler for some lunch, bowling and playing at the house.  He's a pretty sweet kid!So I guess we need to work on Katie's bowling skills--I'm just glad the ball was going in the lane direction!Micah getting set up.He has pretty much perfected the granny technique.

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