Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Campin and Fishin

These are Micah's two fat channel cats. I'm sure my cousins down in Texas would propably consider these minnows for their trot lines, but it took everything Micah had to pull them in--we made a fish slap shirt out of the bigger one!Here is Katie and her tiny Rock Bass! She had a nice cat on the line about 30 seconds after Micah and I tried to net hers at the same time but it snapped the line before I got the net under it--she was pretty dissappointed, but kept trying!
We wore Micah out good at the playground and beach, so he had to catch a few z's in the bow of Papa Tubb's jon boat while Josh and I were pullin in pounder crappies! I also caught a nice size large mouth bass and the biggest sunny I've ever seen. We forgot to bring the camera to the fish house--so we decided that those fish will just have to live in our memories!
Katie and Micah at the playyard near our camp site. We spent quite a bit of time playing on the beach too, although the native children were swimming it was a bit chilly for us--about 60 degrees that weekend.Micah sporting his new double cap style!


Unknown said...

Hey April, where did all this camping taking place? Looks like a lot of fun, and sounds like it was tasty.

P.S. My niece and nephew are beautiful.

Mandy and Joseph said...

Wow! Micah's fish were huge! I've never caught one like that! And Katie's Bass was really big too. They definitely got the fishing gene along with the beauty gene :). They are going to have to teach me to fish someday.