Monday, October 13, 2008

The Remnant

"But now, for a brief moment, the Lord our God has been gracious in leaving us a remnant and giving us a firm place in his sanctuary, and so our God gives light to our eyes..."  Ezra 9:8
We left Minnesota in early August--just a couple of weeks before my beloved garden came to full harvest.  I watched the little seedlings emerge, then struggle to survive, nursed them to strong plants and then deserted them.  It was heartbreaking.  I am forever indebted to my lovely friends and neighbors in the northland who shared in my heartbreak and came to the rescue of my helpless garden.  They harvested and put to good use many of the abandoned veggies before the frost settled in.  I was thrilled to hear of all the things they were able to make out of it!

We went up north this past weekend to take care of some house issues and for Josh and his friend Randy to fish the Rainy.  Frost is in full force up there, but by the grace of God there was still "a remnant" remaining in the garden (pictured above).  As I collected all that I could and prepped the garden for the winter, I couldn't help but think of God and his people--his remnant.  How he has through the ages, watched us grow and salvaged us from sin.  I can hardly imagine his pain at the losses and his joy in the remnant! 
My friend Eileen took care of the tomatoes--most of them were canned and put away, but when she heard that Josh and I were coming up--she saved these out for me--I can hardly wait to get some marinara cooking!

The Mad Monkey of '08
The Mad Monkey of '08 will join Bob the Tomato of '07 in our Hall of Crazy Tomatoes!  Katie discovered him as we were cleaning out the garden.  He is frostbitten--so we are pretty sure the angry expression is a result of being left out in the cold!


Stephanie said...

The mad monkey is too funny! I am glad you were able to get some veggies and that so many were able to share your garden. That is one of my favorite parts of why we have one is to be able to give food away to friends and to the food bank. It feels very fulfilling to work so hard to produce so much for so many!

ApeKnitty said...

Too true!!! My sister has been telling me of a church that plants a garden next door to the building for that very purpose. They work at it together all summer and come harvest time they invite those in need to come pick--what a blessing that would be!!!