Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Iowa State Capitol

As every Iowa school child must--we took a field trip to the Iowa State Capitol Building!  It was so much fun.  I hadn't been there since I was a child--brought back a lot of memories.  We went on a tour--with only two other people, so our tour guide took lots of time to answer all of Micah's questions!  We found out too late that you have to be six to go up high in the dome to the whisper hall and library.  Josh wanted to go with us too and Micah will be six in May so we are planning another trip then!

We played a fun game of Near/Far-Grover style throughout our time there.  Here is the 10 carat golden plated dome--up close!

I was lying on the basement floor looking up into the dome--here the kids stand over me!
"Okay, mom" they say, "Enough pictures, Let's go see some more stuff!"
Next to the Mosaic mural of people heading west.  Katie loved this part because the eyes of the people in the mural follow you and no matter where you standing it looks as if they are coming straight toward you--I'll have to take pictures of it next time!  Her other favorites were the civil war American Flag--all tattered and torn and the dolls wearing all the first ladies' of Iowa's inaugural gowns.

I stayed by the mural and had the kids go down a level--Here they are standing by the dome circle and front entrance.

One of the four corner domes.
Micah's favorite were the canons (and a huge model ship--again--pictures next time).
Here they are in front of the hand carved Supreme Court Bench.  Started in the 1920's and added to by the same carver 40 years later!
Micah in the little bitty Senate Balcony Seats.  They look child size--they say people were quite a bit smaller when it was built.
The Senate Chandeliers--from Austria.
A chandelier in the governors office.
Katie and Micah on the steps of the capitol with the skyline of Des Moines behind them.

1 comment:

Christine Short said...

There is a tapestry in the Vatican of Jesus that is the same as those paintings. As you walk by you can see Jesus's eyes following you. It was the most fascinating thing! I found that a photo did not do it justice though. Hope you have better luck with your picture!